It's normal for new parents (especially first timers) to worry about their newborn baby’s health, so you’re not alone. However, by taking a few simple precautions you can keep your baby healthy and you reassured:
- If you're breastfeeding, continue nursing for as long as you can (ideally throughout her first year).
- Place her on her back when she's sleeping to prevent Sudden Infant Death Sydrome (SIDS).
- Don't let anyone smoke around your baby.
- Avoid contact with people who are unwell.
- Wash your hands well after each nappy change.
- Make sure your baby is properly immunised.
Of course, even if you follow this advice, your daughter may still get ill. But you'll know when something is really wrong. Your knowledge of her usual patterns of feeding, sleeping, fussing and responding is invaluable when judging her overall state of health.
If you are unsure whether your baby is well or not, there are certain signs to look out for:
Unusual Behaviour:
- Temperament: If your baby is her usual self and feeding well, it’s unlikely that she’s seriously ill. This doesn't mean you shouldn't see your doctor if she has a fever or a cold. But a smiling baby with a runny nose is probably not as sick as a lethargic baby with a runny nose.
- Changes in crying: If your baby cries more than usual and can't be comforted, or if her cry is weak or high-pitched, she may be seriously ill.
- Lack of crying: If she seems unhappy but doesn't cry and is unusually inactive, call your doctor.
- Appetite: This will vary, but she should feed vigorously when hungry. A baby that tires easily from sucking, or loses interest in feeding, is probably sick. The same applies if she regurgitates food more than usual, and with more effort, or if the posset is green.
- Difficulty with breathing: If your baby's breathing is laboured in any way, get help immediately.
Stomach upsets:
- Abnormal bowel movements: Young babies, especially when breastfed, may have very soft or liquid stools. But if your baby has diarrhoea (watery poo), her tummy may be upset. Monitor this to see if the diarrhoea continues. If her poo is streaked with blood or mucus, or has the consistency of jelly, call your doctor. Look at our baby poo visual guide for more help.
- Dehydration: Make sure she’s drinking fluids or breastfeeding as often as usual. She should wet a minimum of six nappies a day. If she’s sleepy and has small, hard or dry stools or urate crystals (rusty orange stain or crystals) call your doctor.
High Temperature:
- Fever: A baby can have a high fever and only be mildly ill, or a slight fever and be seriously ill, but it is a sign of sickness. However, if a baby under three months of age has a fever higher than 100 degrees F or 37.7 degrees C, she should be examined. If an older baby has a fever but appears completely well otherwise, observe her for a day to see whether she develops other symptoms.
If you’re getting back to work and have a maid or family member taking care of your baby, make sure they have all of yours, your husband’s and your doctor’s contact information. It’ll be useful if you explain to your babysitter under which circumstances a doctor or you need to be called.
If you’re observing confinement, you may be advised traditional home remedies for any problems you and your baby may have. Babies with colic, for example, are traditionally offered carom seed (ajwain) water or just a hot compress of carom seeds to soothe them.
Even if you aren’t following confinement strictly, chances are that family and friends will share suggestions on all sorts of ways to handle a sick baby.
Although it’s tempting to try such remedies or follow well-meaning advice to comfort your colicky baby, it’s best to speak to your doctor first. There could be another (more serious) reason for your baby’s discomfort.
So trust your gut and if you’re in doubt don’t hesitate to call your doctor. After all, it's important for you to get peace of mind, and doctors expect to see tiny babies quite often. They know that they can become ill quite quickly. They also know they get better quickly too!