Breastfeeding Problems and Solutions : Leaking breasts

It’s normal for your breasts to leak or even spurt milk during the first few weeks after you have your baby.
Milk leaks can be inconvenient and sometimes embarrassing. But it’s actually a good sign that your body is capable of making lots of milk for your baby.

Why are my breasts leaking?

Your breasts will leak when they become so full of milk that they overflow, or when something triggers your let-down reflex. You might find you leak when you’re feeding your baby from your other breast. Sometimes, hearing your baby cry, or just thinking about your baby, can cause your breasts to release a little milk.

How long will my breasts leak for?

Although everyone is different, you’ll probably find you leak the most during your first few weeks of breastfeeding. It takes a little while for your body to adjust to your baby’s feeding needs. Many mums find the leaks stop over the first six to 10 weeks of breastfeeding.

How can I stop my breasts from leaking?

There’s no guaranteed way of stopping your breasts from leaking. However, breastfeeding or expressing before your breasts become too full does seem to help.

If leaking is becoming a real issue for you, feed your baby as often as possible. The more you breastfeed, the less likely your breasts are to overflow. Experiment with different positions until you find one where he can latch on really well. Once you find a breastfeeding rhythm that’s best for both of you, the problem should settle down.

You may not be able to control your milk overflow, but you can plan for it:
  • Wear breasts pads inside your bra. Remember to change them when they become damp though, otherwise your nipples could become sore. If you’re out and about, carry plenty of breast pads with you.
  • Try using washable plastic breast shells. If you sterilise them first, you can store and freeze the milk that collects in them.
  • If one breast always leaks when you’re feeding on the other side, place a cloth or breast pad inside your bra.
  • Wear tops that camouflage milk stains. Prints and patterns work well. If you're out for the day, take a spare top. The pallu of your sari or the dupatta of your salwar kameez can also work well to hide any stains.
  • If you feel a let-down tingle at an unexpected moment, cross your arms and press gently against your breasts. This might stop the unwanted flow.

My breasts never leak. Do I have enough milk?

You're sure to have enough milk. Leaking breasts don’t relate to the amount of milk you have. Many mums never leak at all. It all depends on how the tiny muscles at the opening of the nipple pores work. These muscles squeeze open and shut, controlling how much milk flows out. If your muscles are very efficient, your breasts probably won’t leak at all.

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