How should I prepare for breastfeeding?
There's no doubt that breastmilk is best for your baby. So anything you can do to prepare for breastfeeding while you're pregnant is great. While for some new mums it comes easily, others find it challenging. It is normal to feel overwhelmed and even scared about the thought of breastfeeding. These tips could help you start a beautiful breastfeeding journey with your baby:- Talk to other mums who are breastfeeding, or have done it before. Female family members can be a treasure trove of practical advice. You may also want to speak to other mums on our community forums.
- Read up us much as you can. Our breastfeeding section contains lots of articles that can help you.
- Talk to your doctor or if you can, speak to a breastfeeding or lactation consultant.
- Try to attend antenatal classes where they have sessions on preparing for breastfeeding.
- Try to find a breastfeeding support group if one exists in your area. If you meet them and speak to them, you will know where to get support if you run into any breastfeeding problems.
- Try to get in touch with some breastfeeding mums already when you are pregnant. Hearing first hand experience of breastfeeding might help you to prepare.
Whether you think about it or not, your pregnant body is preparing itself for breastfeeding. That's one reason your breasts get so much bigger during pregnancy. Your milk ducts and milk-producing cells are developing, and more blood goes to your breasts than before.
Even some of the weight you put on during pregnancy is fat the body is storing so that it can get the calories needed to produce breastmilk when required.
Breast size has nothing to do with the ability to breastfeed successfully. Even if you stay small-breasted, you'll still be able to feed your baby all the milk she needs. Having breast surgery can affect your body's ability to produce milk, especially breast reduction surgery.
Do I need to toughen my nipples or do anything else beforehand?
No you don't need to do anything, the hormonal changes going on in your breasts during pregnancy are preparation enough. You don't need to use creams to soften your skin beforehand or express link colostrum either. In particular, don't rub or scrub your nipples, this will only hurt you and make breastfeeding difficult.The best preparation for breastfeeding is getting your husband to support you in your decision to breastfeed. This will help you and your baby get off to a good start. Research shows that you are more likely to breastfeed for longer if your husband is well-informed and supportive.
It will also help to have plenty of skin-to-skin contact with your baby when she is born. Skin-to-skin contact has been shown to increase the length of time that mums breastfeed for.
Even if you need a caesarean birth, you can still hold your baby against your skin soon after the birth with some help from the doctor or attending nurse at the hospital. Your baby may wriggle to your breast and feed, or she may only smell, lick or nuzzle your breast. All these things will help you and your baby get breastfeeding off to a great start.
It is also a good idea to tell the doctor and hospital staff that you want to exclusively breastfeed your baby as soon as possible.