Breast Feeding Problems and Solutions: Engorged breasts

What are engorged breasts?

During the first week after you have had your baby, your breasts may feel swollen, tender, throbbing, hot and hard or lumpy. The swelling may also extend all the way to your armpit, and you may have a fever.

As unpleasant as it sounds, this doesn't often last for long. Within a day or two, your breasts should begin to soften up and you will feel much more comfortable.

What causes engorged breasts?

Between two days and six days after you give birth, your breastmilk comes in and becomes available to your baby. More blood flows to your breasts, and some of the surrounding tissue swells, which causes your breasts to become swollen and sometimes engorged.

You may experience engorgement later, when your baby is older and starts eating solid foods. He may feed less often and drop a feed, because he no longer gets all his nourishment from breastmilk.

Not every new mum has truly engorged breasts. Some women's breasts become only slightly full, but others find their breasts have grown really big and hard. Once your baby is latching on well, and is feeding on demand, for as long as he needs to, the extreme fullness should ease.

How long does breast engorgement last?

If you feed your baby on demand (as often as he wants), and if he is latched on well at each feed, the engorgement should ease within 24 to 48 hours. Let your baby finish feeding on the first breast fully until he decides to come off it on his own, then offer your second breast.

If you've chosen not to breastfeed and are formula feeding instead, your breasts may get uncomfortably full when your milk comes in. In most cases, painkillers and a wearing a good support bra are all that is needed. Occasionally, the engorgement may be severe and last longer. You may need to express a little milk by hand to relieve the tension in the breast and consult your doctor.

How can I treat my engorged breasts?

First, try to remember that engorgement is a good sign. It means you are producing more than enough milk to feed your baby.

Your breasts produce milk on a supply-and-demand basis. With your baby's help, you'll soon produce the right amount for him. Until then:
  • Wear a supportive feeding bra, even at night, to keep you comfortable. Make sure that it fits properly and is not too tight.Once the engorgement gets better, you can stop sleeping with a bra.
  • Feed your baby as often as he wants. Keep him close to you and look out for signs that he's asking to be fed, such as sucking his fist or becoming unsettled.As a guide, make sure you feed your baby at least eight times in 24 hours during the first few weeks.
  • Drink the same as you would normally. Cutting your fluid intake won't have an effect on your engorged breasts.

To ensure baby latches on properly, hand express or pump your breastmilk until the areola (the dark area around your nipple) softens. It may be easier to express milk after applying a hot compress to the breast or after a shower. The warm water by itself may cause enough leakage to soften the areola. It can take time. Be patient, and keep trying!
  • If your breasts are very engorged, there may be fluid in the tissue causing swelling (oedema). This will make your breasts so taut and your nipples so flat that your baby can't draw it easily into his mouth. Try to massage away the swelling by gently pressing on the dark circle of skin round your nipple (areola).
  • Some women find that applying fresh green cabbage (patta gobhi) leaves to their breasts can help, although there is no evidence to support it. The cabbage leaves may have a cooling effect. But they won't remedy the real cause of engorgement which is that milk is not being removed from the breasts efficiently.
  • While your baby is feeding, gently massage the breast he is on. This encourages milk to flow and will help to relieve some of the tightness and discomfort.
  • You may want to try applying cold packs, cold damp cloths or crushed ice in a plastic bag to your breasts for a short while after feeds. This may reduce pain and swelling.
  • There's a small amount of evidence that acupuncture may help to resolve your symptoms. Make sure that your acupuncturist is licensed and has experience in treating breastfeeding women.
  • If you're in a lot of pain, take a mild pain reliever. Check with your doctor for the appropriate type.
  • Try to look ahead and remember that you'll get past this phase quickly.

Will engorgement affect my baby?

No. Except that you may be even more inclined to feed him as much and as often as you can!

Can I still breastfeed even with engorged breasts?

You can and should. If possible, breastfeed your baby immediately after he is born, and frequently from that point on. Watch your baby for signs of hunger such as sucking his fist and becoming restless. If he is crying, he has already worked up an appetite.

Once the engorgement passes, your breasts will be softer, though they'll still be full of milk. This is when breastfeeding should become an enjoyable experience for you and your baby.

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