Stylish little Rascals...
I am only one..
But still I am one..
I cannot do everything..
But still I can do something..
I will not refuse to do..
the something I can do..
A child can ask Questions..
That a wise men cannot answer..
In human life...
The most memorable moments happening in childhood only...
People and Things change with me...
But memories remain the same...
If you don't have a smile..
I will give you one of mine...
This lovely smiles can make everything...
It costs nothing...
I am the most responsible person i know...
..Whenever something goes wrong..
I am always responsible!!!!
Stop acting like you know Everything...
I am not sure how to impress U...
So I hope being myself is good enough..
Excuse me momm..
my boyfriend is waiting..
let me gooo..